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Reader Reviews

"Your books (the Uncle Eric books) are among the few I recommend for every high-schooler as 'must reads' before graduation. Feel free to quote me!"
—Mary Pride, Practical Homeschooling, January 25, 2011

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Here's what's been said about current or previous editions of Bluestocking Press titles.

Uncle Eric's Model
Bluestocking Guides
Ancient Rome
Are You Liberal? Conservative? or Confused?
The Clipper Ship Strategy
The Money Mystery
The Thousand Year War in the Mideast
Whatever Happened to Justice?
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?
World War I
World War II

Uncle Eric's Model


I am a 14 year old, homeschooled boy. I love these books! I've read them 2 times through already and I'm reading through them for the 3rd time! I wish the whole world could get a hold of these books. I recommend them to everyone I meet! I can't wait till you can get some more out!

—Shane Van Cleve


This model (i.e. the completion of all the books) would yield a politically aware, fiscally intelligent young adult who is ready to move on to the entrepreneurial world or university level studies.

—Martha Robinson, Reviewer for HomeschoolChristian.com


I recognize that in our country's current economic state that it is very important to give as much knowledge about economic survival to our children as possible. I believe this curriculum will do that.

—Reader P.H.

I am a well educated, avid reader. The Uncle Eric series has "shaken me up a bit" but I must say has given me a more accurate model of business, economics, and politics/war.  I must say I almost totally agree with his reasonings and conclusions.  It is maybe the most fascinating reading and intellectual journey I have ever gone on.  When I told that to my son, he replied "coming from you, dad, that means a lot".  I will never be able to look at the world the same way, and I mean that in a positive sense.  As my son would say "Richard Maybury, you rock!"  Keep up the free thinking!!

—Reader H. C. III


Finally the “other side of the story”. Thanks so much!!!

—Reader M.M.

Excellent source of political, legal and economic information for both young and old alike. Books wrap up exactly how the world works in a very simplistic and logical way. I'm a third generation entrepreneur and business owner homeschooling our eight children and I myself have learned new things from these books ... These books teach the only way a person can get ahead and survive in this world. Thanks for writing these books, they have become second to the Bible, the most important study, that I require my kids to learn.

—Reader E.W.K.


Thank you so much for writing books on vital subjects, for young people especially. I am 18 and have been homeschooled through all 12 grades. Reading your books my senior year really made the facts, opinions, and history I'd been carefully taught come together into a cohesive whole. I feel much better and more sure of myself with a "model" in my head with which to measure things.

—Homeschool student J.R.

My husband was a finance major in college and now owns a small discount real estate firm. He loves the books we have! My two high schoolers debate with other members of our church on the current financial situation. Thank you for making this so understandable. My husband wishes he could have learned from your books. He said they are very enjoyable and easy to understand.

—Reader E.S.T.

We appreciate Mr. Maybury and all those at Bluestocking Press. My husband and I feel that we are being enabled by your publications (as well as EWR) to give our four children a grasp of their world that we had previously only been reaching for. Our extended family is benefitting, as well, as we share what we are learning. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

—Reader E.T.

I teach economics and government at a small homeschool co-op ... I have been using the Uncle Eric series for a few years now and am completely thrilled with the results I'm getting from my students.  Every parent that does take the time to read these books, are amazed with the information they contain!

—Reader L.A.A.

Been a fan for almost 15 years.

—Reader C.S.

I have been recommending your Uncle Eric books and study guides to homeschool families for years. I need new copies to show at my seminars!

—Reader K.D.

Our son has gone through 4 of your books with study guides and really enjoyed each book. He graduates this year and is planning to study political science. He wants the other books we ordered to read after graduation.

—Reader A.C.

I have requested our library to carry these books – it is a shame they don’t have them already. They should be required reading for all politicians and high schoolers.

—Reader J.B.

I’ve used your excellent products with my children, and I can honestly say that they truly learned a lot and enjoyed the reading.

—Reader K.J.

Checked out Penny Candy and Justice from the library – thoroughly enjoyed them and have decided to order the entire package!

—Reader R.P.

I would like to recommend that you review the excellent works of Richard Maybury at www.bluestockingpress.com…. This is a great introduction, designed for 12 to 14 year olds on What is Money and What is Inflation. It correctly shows the linkage between Ethics, Law and Economics. I have gifted this introductory book to many adults, family, clients and children.

—Michael McKay, Iowa Capital Management

God bless! I love these Uncle Eric books. My only regret is that my oldest did not have the opportunity to use these books for his government classes, but I do have the opportunity to teach my other two children from the Uncle Eric books. Thank you so much for supplying these books to homeschooling families as well as adults to read.

—Reader R.P.

Love your Uncle Eric books. My teenage sons are starting to read your books. Starting them out right.

—Reader K.J.

Dear Bluestocking Press,
I am a very devoted and highly supportive reader of the Uncle Eric books. I purchased the entire set of Uncle Eric’s books, and the teacher’s guide for Penny Candy, to use in my homeschooling several years ago. The books are irreplaceable! All four of my children are learning to question and think about what they hear, sift it through their “founding father’s” worldview, and then decide what to believe! Thank you for your dedication to making these resources available.

—Reader A.G.

Our family is learning so much from your books, I would love to see them read by many more people. We are a homeschooling family, and I hope to spread them through our homeschooling community.
Thank you,

—Reader D.V.

I am preparing to teach a high school Economics class in the 2007-2008 school year. This is a home school group that meets one day per week. I will be giving homework and keeping grades. After many enthusiastic recommendations, I have decided to use your "mini set A" as the primary curriculum.

—Reader T.S.

We carry the entire line of Uncle Eric books and they have repeatedly been best sellers. Capitalism for Kids has also sold very well. Thank you for writing the study guides. I used the Uncle Eric books with your study guides as a year of Math for my my girls. They loved it and so did I! We all learned a great deal.

One of the things I have seen in here in the store is that parents are buying these books not just for their students, but also for themselves. For many, it is their first introduction to economics and for most, it is their first encounter with the truth about economics.

Thanks again and keep up the great work!

—Judi Heller
Christian Book & Gift Shop
Homeschool Headquarters
815 N. Broadway
Rochester, MN 55906

I have so far used six of the Uncle Eric books with my high school students. I can say that as a teacher, as a mom, as a person, I have a better understanding of how our world works because of the Uncle Eric Series. Your books have given me the ability to evaluate everything I see (in print or on TV) with a more critical eye. You have the ability to present complicated information in a simple way that makes it easily understandable to students. I feel like I'm even getting a much more complete education with your books than I ever had before. I wish these books were mandatory reading for all students before graduation.

—Leslie Gamell

Hi and thank you to Uncle Eric! Our daughter has just turned 14 and we homeschool and have read all of Uncle Eric's books this year with the exception of the three we have just ordered which will be read as well. Our daughter had aspirations to be a vet, until reading these books. Now she wants to be a politician so she can change all things that are wrong! This series has been an education for us all! They are wonderful and an educational tool for any age! We are so grateful to Richard Maybury and to Bluestocking Press for these books! They have literally changed our lives!

—Reader D.S.

I teach at a small Christian boarding school...This is the third year we have used your books in the classroom. I am so grateful for your explanations of law and economics and history. My students take interest and learn!

—Reader N.D.

Hi, I'm 13 years old. This year I have taken an economics / government class in our home-school group. We have used your books as a curriculum. Because of that I have read "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy", "Whatever Happened to Justice?" "Ancient Rome", "Are You Liberal? Conservative? or Confused? and "What Would Thomas Jefferson Think About This?" I have to give you credit that your books have really made me think, it has opened up many discussions in our class, and in my home.

—Reader Kim

Uncle Eric's Model (The kids at _____ _____ School)
This year the Social Studies course for the seventh, eighth, and ninth graders has been the "Uncle Eric" series and is titled "How the World Works." We have learned a great deal concerning politics, economics, and culture from your books. Thanks for your work.

Your "nieces & nephews"
The kids at _____ _____ School

—The kids at _____ _____ School

I am a sixteen-year-old home educated student who has read many books in your "Uncle Eric" series for economics and government classes. Before I began reading your books a few years ago, I was confused about economics, business, and government and had decided not to pursue any of these subjects. After reading the "Uncle Eric" series, however, I have a greater comprehension of all three. Indeed, government now interests me so greatly that I have decided to write political novels extolling my new beliefs...Thank you so much for writing that series.

—Homeschool student B.M.

I just have to write and thank you for your books. Our whole family is reading them, except our 5-year-old, and it is really awakening an interest in history and economics in our children.

—Homeschool parent K.S.

I have read many of your books and have thoroughly enjoyed them and learned a great deal in the process. I have commended them to my friends and they have also found them fascinating.

—Reader D.P. from Missouri

Thank you for your excellent books, which allow even former college English teachers to understand the mechanisms of economics and politics.

—Reader F.J.

We use your books in our homeschooling program, have inspired others to do so, and have purchased a set of your books for our local library.

—Homeschool parent A.M.

I've enjoyed your insight and thorough research regarding American history, law and economics...I use these books to teach my two children (12 and 14 years old). I think that your approach is magnificent! I wouldn't want to learn history without including law and economics concurrently. Thank you sincerely.

—Homeschool parent B.H.

I recently heard about your "Uncle Eric" series of books and started reading them. I have really enjoyed each one. I have found that you say more in 2 pages than most books I have read on these topics say in 200 pages. I have been recommending them to lots of my friends and family.

I am a homeschool mom and hope to use them teaching my children. Thank you for writing such interesting and informative books.

—Homeschool parent C.D.

I'm 16 years old, and I'm homeschooled. I've read most of your "Uncle Eric" books and I absolutely love them. I have learned so much and I now understand economics, government, and politics. Your books are very straightforward and easy to follow. I really appreciate that...I never understood what a liberal, conservative, republican, or democrat was until I read your book, "Are You Liberal? Conservative? or Confused?" I am certainly not confused anymore. I never understood economics, inflations, or depressions until I read "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" My brother has a good answer to that question: obviously the government ate it. Your books have been a tremendous help to me, and I want to thank you for writing them.

—Letter from homeschool student H.B.

I am nearly finished with your Uncle Eric's series, or at least those books published to date. I look forward to reading new Uncle Eric books as they come out. I have been heartily impressed with the series--it is so nice to see sound free market and common law principles laid out so clearly. It is also nice to see the consequences of violating those principles articulated logically. The simplicity of your books makes them easy to read and I have been recommending them to everyone, especially my well-meaning moderate friends. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for this wonderful resource and to commend you for your good work.

—Letter from H.R.

I'm a 14-year-old girl from Pennsylvania. I go to ____ ____ Christian school, and your book series is our curriculum. I must say, despite the fact that we have only just finished the third book...all my paradigms on government, law, economics, war, etc. have been completely reversed-that's how amazing your books are! (I'm not so easily persuaded ha, ha). Thanks for the books; they're really cool, and so easy to understand. And this is probably the best class I've ever had.

—Letter from student R.A.

Bluestocking Guides Package


I have been recommending your Uncle Eric books and study guides to homeschool families for years. I need new copies to show at my seminars!

—Reader K.D.

Our son has gone through 4 of your books with study guides and really enjoyed each book. He graduates this year and is planning to study political science. He wants the other books we ordered to read after graduation.

—Reader A.C.

We carry the entire line of Uncle Eric books and they have repeatedly been best sellers. Capitalism for Kids has also sold very well. Thank you for writing the study guides. I used the Uncle Eric books with your study guides as a year of Math for my my girls. They loved it and so did I! We all learned a great deal.

One of the things I have seen in here in the store is that parents are buying these books not just for their students, but also for themselves. For many, it is their first introduction to economics and for most, it is their first encounter with the truth about economics.

Thanks again and keep up the great work!

—Judi Heller
Christian Book & Gift Shop
Homeschool Headquarters
815 N. Broadway
Rochester, MN 55906

Ancient Rome: How It Affects You Today

A friend gave me the Ancient Rome book to use with my homeschoolers. I’ve since read every Maybury book I can get my hands on through our library system.

—Reader B.R.

I have just finished reading Ancient Rome and I thought it was very interesting how history repeats itself ... Thank you for sharing the "other side of the story." I have learned a lot through reading your books and have enjoyed them greatly. Keep up the good work!

—Reader T.M.

I have just finished reading, in one sitting, "Ancient Rome and How It Affects You Today." This is frighteningly clear. How could it not be obvious? Mr. Maybury, this should be required reading for all public officials, students, and citizens. I will resist the Roman urge to say, force everyone to read it and away with those who won't! but it is that clear. Thank you for this clear, eye-opening book. We will be watching for any further titles.

—Reader D.D.

Your book has really made me interested in politics, while before I really didn't care. I'm not at voting age yet, but I'd like to know my opinions in politics before I vote!

—Reader L.G.

Are You Liberal? Conservative? or Confused?

Please allow me to say how much I have enjoyed your books. They make sometimes complex government principles much easier to grasp. Thank you for your willingness to support the founding principles of our nation and stand for truth in government. I know this is sometimes an unpopular stand to take, and appreciate it even more for that reason.

—Reader M.C.

I really liked your book. It tells the truths about the way things are now...it helped me understand many things.

—Reader P.B., age 11

I have read your book "Are You Liberal? Conservative? or Confused?" I really enjoyed it. It really helped me understand what was going on in the news with the election...My whole family really enjoyed your book. We told all of our neighbors about it, and now, they want to read it. It is going to be passed all around our Church too. It was really a fun way to learn some pretty confusing things. It was much better than reading it out of a text book!

—Reader A.B., age 13

The Clipper Ship Strategy: For Success in Your Career, Business, and Investments

We have read Clipper Ship - LOVED it! You have the best way of putting information across that is easily understood and truthful! Thanks!!

—Reader R.B.

We are a homeschooling family of nine years and we are reading "The Clipper Ship Strategy." My son particularly has found evidence in the newspapers and in the news of things you mention in your books. Thank you for writing these books and please don't stop.

—Reader E.B.

Why didn't you get "The Clipper Ship Strategy" to me when I was 25, not 65. I've got scars all over me from numerous ACF to ACH episodes in the process of empirically learning what you lay out therein.

—Reader B.W.

The Money Mystery: The Hidden Force Affecting Your Career, Business and Investments

I've read "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" and "The Money Mystery."  Funny how even as an Econ major, I never understood this side of the story.

—Reader E.G.

The Thousand Year War in the Mideast

Great book!! 5 stars!

—Steven Burnett

Hello Uncle Eric
I've been devouring your set of books and have read aways into "The Thousand Year War." It's uncanny how you foresaw the Middle East events that we're being consumed with today.


Whatever Happened to Justice?


We used Penny Candy and I loved the simplistic, immediate information. We are using Whatever happened to Justice? this school year at another coop, love it and is quite pertinent. 

—Reader D.D. ,  February 2022


Our family just recently finished reading your book "Whatever Happened to Justice?" My husband and I were fascinated. Our four children were divided on the merits of this choice for a family read-aloud book. I'm the mom, and I chose this one! However, even my two youngest, an 11 year-old and 13 year-old, would refer to your book in conversation, especially when prompted by a news story on our radio. A couple of years ago we read "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" It was clear and interesting. Thank you for your books. Thank you for respecting young people enough to write a book that is understandable and thought provoking. Our oldest is finishing his senior year in high school this year. He loved the books. Thank you.

—The M. Family

I have enjoyed this book very much! I had entered a search engine on Amazon.com books to study the differences of liberals and conservatives and purchased this book along with two other books, one from USA Today, by Victor Kamber and Bradley O'Leary, and the other on Moral Politics by George Lakoff, I then read Richard Maybury's book. I next bought Maybury's book on Ancient Rome and ordered two more from this site and three more from Amazon. My next book to read was this book on justice, apparently is not the revised version. I really believe I am on to something: historical truth. Now that's ecstasy for me.

The information on the differences between the old British Common Law and Political Law, the origins of government, the thoughts and conceptions of the founding American government; Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams are some of the most lucid and clearest explanations I have ever read. I can't help but agree that the unregulated free trade, with limited government and the instilled multi-religious, multi-cultural morals of the two basic common laws, which would bring the founding fathers ideal towards the reality of a Pythagorean harmonious exchange of prosperity and liberty.

And so now I'm very interested in reading Mr. Maybury's accounts of WWI and WWII. And so I find a review on this site from a reviewer named Harry Browne. Now that's got to be the Harry Browne who ran for president! A person whose thoughts I happen to admire. And I have read many of his online articles on WWI and WWII in the past and was always so impressed. It appears that Richard Maybury's book has been the excellent source.

—Richard Schwartz


Checked out Penny Candy and Justice from the library – thoroughly enjoyed them and have decided to order the entire package!

—Reader R.P.

After reading all of the commendations in the beginning of your book, "Whatever Happened to Justice?" from those that had read it and obviously delighted in your masterpiece, I supposed you must be sick of all the flattery, but after finishing that book as well as "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" I didn't know how I couldn't thank you.

I want to thank you not only for simply possessing such COMMON SENSE, but for utilizing the knowledge that you have attained for a good cause. You would not believe how much you have taught me.

I am a home-educated jr. in high school, and up until this year, I haven't studied much in the area of economics or politics, although I love to read and those subjects have always interested me. My mom had ordered your books a few years ago and reminded me that we had them, so I picked up "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? " and could hardly put it down. I had no idea, however, that the subsequent ones just got better!

Your views on politics and the government were so on key, and the manner in which you wrote the book made it possible for even me to understand! I honestly can't quite express how you have changed my outlook so much, regarding politics and law. You have brilliantly taken any questions that I might have previously had, and unabashedly shared your insight and perception. The fact that you are able to think through and transcribe in such a helpful way your insight on such fundamental issues is what I appreciate the most, as well as your earnestness that we become more aware of what goes on around us, that we desert our ignorant and complacent habits and bear more responsibility. Our nation has gone far too long without "the facts," and I am so excited when I am able to be informed of these essential truths.

Besides the Bible, this is some of the most significant material I have ever laid my hands on.

Thank you, and keep it up!

—Reader R.J.

We have read your books "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" and "Whatever Happened to Justice?" They are clear, concise, and understandable--both admirable works. We are giving them to our two children--both homeschooled--to read as study assignments. We have also ordered the other seven books of your "Uncle Eric's model" set, for our reading and theirs.

—Readers L.B. and A.B.

Thank you for this educational book that helped me learn about law. It's so cool learning about presidents, coins, common law, etc. As a matter of fact, on the first law test that I took I got a 100% on it. I am only 9 years old. I am homeschooled. I, also, got an "A" in Economics/Government on my report card. I hope my mom buys another book of yours. I want my mom to buy another book because we finished "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? and we're almost finished with "Whatever Happened to Justice?" This has been almost the most fun I have had learning. Are you writing any new books? I hope you are because I really enjoy them! How did you come up with all of these ideas in the book?

—Homeschool student N.C.

I am thirteen years old, and have just finished "Whatever Happened to Justice?" I have read "Penny Candy" (which I enjoyed), but I am blown away by "Justice." I am amazed at your insight and understanding of the law. You have changed the way I view an awful lot of things. Although I am Canadian, I have come to really respect America's founders.

—Reader N.T.

Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?


We used Penny Candy and I loved the simplistic, immediate information. We are using Whatever happened to Justice? this school year at another coop, love it and is quite pertinent. 

—Reader D.D. ,  February 2022


I want to thank you for publishing the Uncle Eric books.  Last year our family enjoyed reading Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? together, we all enjoyed it.  I loved that it appealed to everyone in our family.  My husband and I learned from it, and so did all of my kids right down to the six year old.  It was wonderful to hear the kids asking daddy to read more from a book on economics.  It opened up many discussions for us to have as a family as well.

We just started reading Whatever happened to Justice? this week and are seeing the same thing happen as well.  We are also looking forward to purchasing, and reading, more of the Uncle Eric books in the near future.  Thank you again for publishing these wonderful books.

—Gabe Harder, May 13, 2012, Large Family Living in a Small Family World, www.largefamilysmallworld.com

I've read "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" and "The Money Mystery."  Funny how even as an Econ major, I never understood this side of the story.

—Reader E.G.


I'm thirteen years old and in the eighth grade. I attend CL school. Just recently my mom found your book, "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?", and wanted me to read it. I told her, "I wasn't interested in learning about politics because I can never understand it." Well, your book proved me wrong. I not only found it to be very understandable, but it was very informative in teaching me about how today's government operates. I'm looking forward to reading many more of your wonderful, and down to earth books! Keep up the good work!

—Reader A.H.


This year we are reading "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy".  We are super impressed and learning lots!  We decided we simply must have the rest of the titles to help educate ourselves and our children.

—Reader L. F., upon purchasing the “Uncle Eric’s Model - Deluxe Package”

My son made me aware of your books after some conversations about economics and my wish for a better understanding of the subject without reading many of the complicated books available at the book stores. He loaned me his copy of "Penny Candy" and now I want the whole set. Thanks for making it so simple to grasp!!

—Reader E.A.S.

Checked out Penny Candy and Justice from the library – thoroughly enjoyed them and have decided to order the entire package!

—Reader R.P.

I would like to recommend that you review the excellent works of Richard Maybury at www.bluestockingpress.com…. This is a great introduction, designed for 12 to 14 year olds on What is Money and What is Inflation. It correctly shows the linkage between Ethics, Law and Economics. I have gifted this introductory book to many adults, family, clients and children.

—Michael McKay, Iowa Capital Management

Great book for children to learn the history of economics. We had a home school group ages 6th grade to 11th. Even for adults there is something new to learn. He has a great way of putting it so the kids can learn and get it. Excellent resource for any age 6th and up.

—Lisa Ball

Hello! My name is KS. I'm ten years old and in fifth grade. I read one of your books called "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" It is a marvelous book. I learned a lot about inflation, what taxes were, and what a real coin was. I didn't know that what we call money is not a real coin. I learned a lot from that book...You answered all my questions that I never really thought would be answered. Thank you for writing "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" It must have took a long time to write, but I know every girl or boy like me must appreciate it. Thanks so much! You're a great author, Uncle Eric. I hope that you will continue with writing educational books.

—Reader K.S.

I am a ninth-grade student who is homeschooled, and we are using your material for text this year. I just finished reading "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" and I love it!!! I always thought politics, economics, and the legal system was boring and confusing; but your book made learning them fun and easy. I am eagerly looking forward to reading "Whatever Happened to Justice?"

—Homeschool student KM

We are a group of homeschool high school students. We recently finished your book "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" We were surprised that economics was so related to history. We learned that rising prices is a symptom not a cause of inflation. We also thought it was interesting how you incorporated the etymology of terms such as the dollar. We were shocked at the size of the federal debt. Because of this class and your book we were able to better understand the recent shutdown of the Federal Government and the news reports surrounding the shutdown. We can also use the information we gained from the class in future classes, jobs, and investments. We are looking forward to our future study of your book "Whatever Happened to Justice?" There are eight of us in this group and we are all 14 and 15. The information we have gained from this book will help us in our future financial dealings. We wanted to write and thank you for your book and we'll pass on the message!

—The D. County Home Educators High School Group

World War I: The Rest of the Story & How It Affects You Today

I recently ordered your World War I, The Rest of the Story and How it Affects You Today - it is amazing!!  It is everything and more that I have tried to teach my history students!!

—Reader L.A.A.

Loved the two books on ww 1 & 2.

—Reader R.B.

Richard Maybury is a great author! In his two-volume world war series, World War II along with the companion volume World War I, Maybury will give you a new perspective on wars and history. Filled with facts of interest rarely mentioned elsewhere—P.T. Barnum's source for his sideshow foreigners, the advanced German spearpoint backed by horse drawn carts, the comparison of civilian murders by the Axis versus that of the Allies, the end of the war in the Pacific and the reason for the use of the atomic bomb, the remarkably successful Swiss policy, etc, etc.—"Uncle Eric" writes succinctly and in a way to be understood. Highly, highly recommended! —Jim Cox, author, The Concise Guide to Economics Associate Professor, Georgia Perimeter College

—Jim Cox

World War II: The Rest of the Story & How It Affects You Today

Loved the two books on ww 1 & 2.

—Reader R.B.

The best book I've read on World War II. It provides genuinely original insights on why the U.S. didn't need to become involved, and destroys many myths that persist about the war. Maybury ties the misunderstandings about World War II to the misunderstanding about today's U.S. foreign policy. I also strongly recommend his books World War I and Whatever Happened to Justice.

—Harry Browne

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