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The Thousand Year War in the Mideast: How It Affects You Today

The Thousand Year War in the Mideast: How It Affects You Today

by Richard J. Maybury



ISBN-13: 978-0-942617-32-0
ISBN-10: 0-942617-32-0
Item TYW

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Additional information on "The Thousand Year War in the Mideast: How It Affects You Today" by Richard J. Maybury

An Uncle Eric Book
Book #9 in the Uncle Eric series



The Thousand Year War in the Mideast by Richard J. Maybury explains how events on the other side of the world a thousand years ago can affect us more than events in our own hometowns today.

The Thousand Year War in the Mideast is a concise European/Mideast history course. Learn about the Russians, Serbs, Croats, the Balkans, Kosovo, the Ottoman and Mongol empires, Turkey, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, Russia, Oman, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Kurdistan, and more.

The events of the Thousand Year War have been the cause of great shocks to our economy and investment markets, including: the oil embargoes, the Iranian hostage crisis, the Iraq-Kuwait war, and the Caucasus Wars over the Caspian Sea oil basin, and the September 11th attack. These shocks are likely to remain so for decades to come.

Forewarned is forearmed. You must understand where this Thousand Year War war is leading to manage your career, business and investments, as well as to reach an informed opinion regarding U.S. involvement in Mideast affairs.

Using the epistolary style of writing (using letters to tell a story), Mr. Maybury plays the part of an economist (Uncle Eric) writing a series of letters to his niece or nephew (Chris). Using stories and examples, Mr. Maybury gives interesting and clear explanations of topics that are generally thought to be too difficult for anyone but experts.

Mr. Maybury warns, "beware of anyone who tells you a topic is above you or better left to experts. Many people are twice as smart as they think they are, but they've been intimidated into believing some topics are above them. You can understand almost anything if it is explained well."



Paperback.  272 pages, quality paper, 8.5 x 5.5 inches.

Reading level: Ages 14 through Adult.

Course Uses:  Can be used for courses in world history, European/Mideast history, international affairs, government, economics, business, finance, and current events. It explains how past events affect current events.

Corresponding student study guide: A Bluestocking Guide: The Thousand Year War in the Mideast

Series Information: The Thousand Year War in the Mideast is part of the 11 book series: Uncle Eric's Model of How The World Works.
Though there is a recommended order of reading for the series, the books can be read in any order, and each have been written to stand alone.


"Your books (the Uncle Eric books) are among the few I recommend for every high-schooler as 'must reads' before graduation."  — Mary Pride, Practical Homeschooling

Table of Contents for The Thousand Year War in the Mideast

1. Terrorism or Retaliation
2. Three Root Causes
3. Muddying the Waters
4. How Many?
5. How Would You React?
6. Three Religions
7. They Think Differently
8. The Lost Civilization
9. The European Attack
10. The Barbary Wars
11. The Ruling Gangs
12. Rich vs. Poor
13. Carving the World
14. U.S. Aid to Soviets
15. The Invicible Secret Weapon
16. Amazing Mystery
17. The Israeli Tragedy
18. Playing One Against the Other
19. The Coming Messiahs
20. The Ultimate Weapon
21. Kill One, Create Ten More
22. High Tech and CBN
23. Loyalty of Russian Troops
24. Loyalty of American Troops
25. Why Die for an Interest?
26. Some Economics of the Thousand Year War
27. Go to High Risk Areas
28. A Small But Revealing Research Project
29. Liberty Not Democracy
30. Summary
31. The Murderous Cycle
32. The New Wars in Chaostan
A Brief History of the Iraq-Kuwait War
Loose Cannons
Bibliography and Suggested Readings

To improve the student's learning experience, consider adding the The Thousand Year War in the Mideast student study guide A Bluestocking Guide: The Thousand Year War in the Mideast to your student's curriculum.

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Hello Uncle Eric
I've been devouring your set of books and have read aways into "The Thousand Year War." It's uncanny how you foresaw the Middle East events that we're being consumed with today.
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This model (i.e. the completion of all the books) would yield a politically aware, fiscally intelligent young adult who is ready to move on to the entrepreneurial world or university level studies. (Martha Robinson, Reviewer for HomeschoolChristian.com)
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